- “Controversies in Psychiatric Diagnosis: What is a Mental Disorder? And When Are Irrational Beliefs Delusional?” Skeptic Magazine. 2013 Dec; 18(4)
- “Answering the Hard Question: ‘You’re an Atheist?! How Do You Find Meaning and Morality in Life if There Is No God?’” Skeptic Magazine. 2018 Mar; 23(1)
- “Persistence of Belief in a Purposeful Universe”. Skeptic Magazine. 2018 Jun; 23(2)
- “Purpose-driven life — a Psychiatrist’s evolutionary perspective on human motivation” (invited blog). James Randi Educational Foundation; Sep 2013
- Spiritual Care Without God: Understanding and Working With Non-believers. Workshop at the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care national conference, Hamilton, ON. Apr 2015
- “Cancer as Existential Crisis: Coping Styles of Believers and Nonbelievers — and a Role for Secular Humanist Chaplaincy.” The Human Prospect. 2015 Dec;5(1)
- “Finding Purpose in the Randomness of Cancer”. Huffington Post, Oct 24, 2017.
- “Depression and MAID: Terminally ill patients are often depressed. But that doesn’t mean they’re incompetent.”, Feb 21 2018
- “If Mental Disorders Didn’t Exist We’d Probably be Extinct.” Toronto Star “Doctor’s Notes” column May 29, 2018 (retitled by the Star in the online version to: “49 per cent of Canadians reported having experienced mental health issues, survey shows.” By Drs. Ralph Lewis and Benoit H. Mulsant (Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto)
- “Who Wrote the Bible When and Why?”. Appendix to an early draft of “Finding Purpose in a Godless World.”
- “Why Do People Kill Themselves?” Scientific American column by Michael Shermer quoting Dr. Lewis Oct 2018
- “Coming to Terms With Coincidence” Psychology Today Magazine (print edition, feature article) 2020 Mar / Apr; 53(2)
- “¿Existen las casualidades? Nuestro cerebro tiende a dar significado a todo” (“Are there coincidences? Our brain tends to give meaning to everything”). Cover story article featuring Dr. Lewis in the Madrid-based monthly popular science magazine MUY Interesante (Jan 2021, p.66). Republished in Mexico Aug 2021.
- “The Anxiety Boom: Why Are So Many Young People Being Diagnosed With Anxiety Disorders?” Psychology Today Magazine (print edition) 2021 Nov / Dec; 54(6)
- “The Curious Cachet of a Psychiatric Diagnosis: Everyday stress and distress are aiming for DSM gravitas.” Psychology Today Magazine (print edition) 2022 Jan/ Feb; 55(1)
- “Long COVID highlights why we need to overhaul the term ‘psychosomatic’” Globe and Mail, April 10, 2023
In June 2018 Dr. Lewis started blogging for Psychology Today – the articles are featured elsewhere on this author website, under the Blog menu tab, together with posts from Dr. Lewis’s Sunnybrook blog series (a few of the articles have been reposted between these two sites, edited and slightly modified to suit the different audiences).